SourceAFIS » CLI

SourceAFIS CLI is a command-line interface for SourceAFIS libraries (Java, .NET). At the moment, it can benchmark algorithm accuracy, template footprint, and implementation speed. It also includes tools that aid in development of SourceAFIS, specifically transparency data logging and output checksums.


In order to benchmark SourceAFIS on particular hardware, clone the repository on the target machine and execute it.

git clone
cd sourceafis-cli-java
mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="benchmark"

Give it a few minutes to download data and populate caches. You should then see benchmark report.

Dataset       EER    FMR100  FMR1K  FMR10K
High quality  2.23%  3.66%   5.80%  7.50%
All           8.59%  13.1%   18.3%  22.0%

Dataset       Serialized  Memory   Minutiae
High quality  468 B       10.8 KB  35
All           466 B       10.8 KB  35

Operation        Iterations  Gross       Net         Thread      Mean     Min      Max      Sample  Median   SD       Geom.mean  GSD
extraction       4,426       109 fp/s    113 fp/s    28.4 fp/s   35.3 ms  5.48 ms  172 ms   4,426   32.3 ms  16.2 ms  32.7 ms    1.45x
identification   2,023,702   49.6 Kfp/s  52.1 Kfp/s  13.0 Kfp/s  76.7 us  31.0 ns  20.6 ms  6,819   71.1 us  85.3 us  67.1 us    2.02x
verification     50,051      1.25 Kfp/s  1.25 Kfp/s  312 fp/s    3.21 ms  79.0 ns  80.5 ms  6,709   1.76 ms  4.41 ms  1.83 ms    3.15x
deserialization  2,108,962   52.8 Kfp/s  53.0 Kfp/s  13.2 Kfp/s  75.5 us  983 ns   16.6 ms  6,667   52.7 us  69.0 us  56.0 us    2.11x


SourceAFIS CLI accepts a number of subcommands and options. You can enumerate them by executing the CLI with no arguments.

mvn compile exec:java

SourceAFIS CLI will show information about every subcommand and option.

SourceAFIS CLI for Java

Available subcommands:
        Report version of SourceAFIS library being used.
        Measure algorithm accuracy, template footprint, and implementation speed.
    benchmark accuracy
        Measure algorithm accuracy.
    benchmark speed
        Measure algorithm speed.
    benchmark speed extraction
        Measure speed of feature extraction, i.e. FingerprintTemplate constructor.
    benchmark speed identification
        Measure speed of identification, i.e. calling match() with non-matching candidate.
    benchmark speed verification
        Measure speed of verification, i.e. creating FingerprintMatcher and calling match() with matching candidate.
    benchmark speed deserialization
        Measure speed of template deserialization.
    benchmark footprint
        Measure template footprint.
        Compute consistency checksum of all algorithm outputs.
    checksum templates
        Compute consistency checksum of templates.
    checksum scores
        Compute consistency checksum of similarity scores.
    checksum extraction
        Compute consistency checksum of extractor transparency data.
    checksum probe
        Compute consistency checksum of transparency data generated when preparing probe for matching.
    checksum comparison
        Compute consistency checksum of transparency data generated during comparison of probe to candidate.
    log extraction <dataset> <key>
        Log extractor transparency data for given key.
    log probe <dataset> <key>
        Log transparency data for given key while preparing probe for matching.
    log comparison <dataset> <key>
        Log transparency data for given key during comparison of probe to candidate.
    export grayscale
        Convert sample images to grayscale.
        Remove cached data except downloads.

Available options:
    --home <path>
        Location of cache directory.
        Default: /home/rv/.cache/sourceafis
        Log normalized transparency data instead of raw data obtained from the library.
    --baseline <path>
        Compare with output of another SourceAFIS CLI. Path may be relative to cache directory, e.g. 'java/1.2.3'.

Subcommand name is passed to SourceAFIS CLI as part of command-line arguments. The following example will run subcommand "benchmark accuracy".

mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="benchmark accuracy"

Library version

You can view version of the currently used SourceAFIS library by executing "version" subcommand.

mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="version"

SourceAFIS CLI will identify the underlying SourceAFIS library.
